Where the Common Good is the Bottom Line       

PO Box 4461, Kingston, NY 12402, Phone(845)338-5422,Fax(845)338-0391, e-mail

                                                                                            Hugh M. Spoljaric, President

KTF TORCH FIRST DAY ISSUE       NYSUT Local 781                       SEPTEMBER 2004


                                            KTF and Kingston Trust Fund Offices

                               307 Wall St., Suite 3, Kingston, New York 12401  

           (mailing address)P.O. Box 4461, Kingston, New York 12402

           Phone                      FAX             EMAIL: Federation—

     (845) 338-5422         (845) 338-0391                   Trust—

WEB ADDRESS:, click ‘Locals on Line’, Kingston Teachers’ Federation.                   

                     KTF Executive Board of Directors 

 President:        Hugh M. Spoljaric-KHS              Professional Practices:     Pat Neher-Miller

 1st Vice Pres.:   Lauri Naccarato-KHS                  Sick Day Bank:               Glenn Gallagher-GW

 2nd Vice Pres.:  Kathy Werner-Zena                    Communications:             Dianne Fried-Ed

 Grievance:       Suzanne Jordan- JWB                ESP:                                Joan White- Ret.

 Secretary:        Nancy Chando-JFK                    Sub. Teachers:                 Mae Stark-Home

 Treasurer:        Eric Koch-KHS                            Retired Teachers:            Anne Tucker-Home

 Membership:    Mary McLaughlin-Miller                                                      

                                AD HOC Committees

Political Action Committee-  Debra WIlcox     Health and Safety- Nick Avossa      Teacher Center- Rich Caliendo

E.D. 13 –Laurie Naccarato, Kathy Werner     Mentoring- Pat Neher                       New Teacher Facilitator- Kate Naughter                       

                                Building Reps

 Cioni- Ann Bauch                           JFK- MaryEllen Fuoco                  KHS-  Nick Avossa

 Anna Devine- Vicki Sellers              Meagher- Cookie Reis                            Onnie Dougherty

 Chambers- Bonnie Stefanko           Myer- Dale Spencer                                Jean McGarry

 Crosby- Paul Nichols                      Zena- Katie Miller                                     M. J. Reiss

 Edson- Claire Van Valkenburgh     S.Finn-  Karen Clegg                     MCM- Bruce Cobb

 Graves-Jeanne Stoico                                                                                     Pat Neher

 GW-   Frank Passante                                                                          JWB- Joanne Donnaruma

                   :                                         At-Large                                      Paul Edelson

Ann Bauch -Myer, Diane Nowicki-Chambers, Jeanne Roper-Crosby, Vince  Voerg-KHS  

                                                 ESP Reps

Anna Devine-Doris Brink                 G. Washington- Yvonne Perry               Zena-Regina Castle                     

Chambers- Lauri Rosen                    R. Graves- Kathy Reilly                        JWB- Barbara McComber

Crosby- TBA                                    JFK- Jeri Dernison                                MCM- Priscilla Lowe

Edson-  Kim Williams                        Meagher- Hope Stoutenburg                KHS-Gloria Davis, Kathy Fleck                                                                                                     Sophie Finn-                                     Myer- Sue Horvers                                Central-TBA

Warehouse- Patti Howard

                                         Kingston Trust Fund

Bob Cunningham- Warehouse          Hugh M. Spoljaric-KHS           Gail Diamond-Coleman/KCS                                         Laura Sexton- ESP- JFK                   Bill Tubby-KHS                       Linda Armston- JWB

Contractual Concerns

As issues arise in schools, building reps are asked to mediate the concerns of the unit members.  Please be reminded that building reps can only help you with Contractual Grievances and Past Practices.  Please consult your KTF Contract to identify the section with which you have a concern. Always report to and check with a KTF Rep BEFORE writing up and submitting any incident, report, or proposal to an administrator!

The process for resolution of contractual concerns is as follows:

1.Identify the contractual concern.                                                          In ALL cases,  

2.Try to solve the concern with those immediately involved.                                  always keep a  

3. Consult the building rep with the contractual concern.                                           “Paper Trail.”

4.The building rep will try to settle the issue within the building.

5.The Building rep will consult the appropriate KTF VP: (Elem.- Kathy Werner- Zena; Secondary-Lauri Naccarato-KHS)



                                         KTF CALENDAR


Board of Directors Meetings: After Sept. 14, the first Monday of every month. 9/13, 10/4, 11/1, 12/6, 1/3, 2/7, 3/7, 4/4, 5/2, 6/6

General Membership Meeting : 10/21

Kingston Trust Meetings:KHS small café @ 3:30 pm;  9/28, 11/30, 1/18, 5/24 

NYSUT R.A.: NYC, 4/7, 4/8 

Reminders to Teachers Returning from Leaves—You must revest.

ü        To re-enter the Moore Days Sick Day Bank after returning from a leave- contact Glenn Gallagher  (GW).

ü        To rejoin the KTF after returning from a leave- contact Mary McLaughlin (MCM).

ü        To register a change of address contact: Mary McLaughlin (KTF@MCM), Miriam White (Kingston Trust Fund- at GW), and Carol Bell (District @ Cioni)

All new probationary appointments need KTF enrollment, sick bank forms, health insurance enrollment. Dental insurance enrollment is through the district.                


Any and all changes of status, (i.e. marriage, divorce, legal separation, births, deaths, Medicare eligibility, etc.) must be reported promptly to Miriam White, in writing, at the Trust Office. 

                                       AGENCY FEE REFUND

     This is to notify agency fee payers that, pursuant to Sec. 208 of the Public Employee Act, Article XIV of the Civil Service Law (Taylor Law), you are eligible for a partial refund of the fee to be paid for the upcoming 2004-05 fiscal year. Please submit your request and reasons for the refund to KTF Treasurer Eric Koch @ KHS by Sept. 30, 2004.

                                      TEACHER UNIT NEGOTIATIONS

     The KTF and District continue to negotiate a new collective bargaining agreement. Thus far, there has been agreement on 60 separate items of moderate impact. Negotiations have progressed well in an atmosphere of cordial respect. The more substantive items will now be on the table. There are negotiation sessions scheduled for September 7 and 21.

    The ESP unit negotiators have met and their formal negotiations with the district will begin soon. The Kingston Substitute teachers contract meetings will begin soon.

Change of Information Form: Return to Mary McLaughlin (MCM) ASAP                                  

              Please print all info and then sign.


New Name__________________________________________________

New Home Address________________________________________________


New Home Phone and Email __________________________________________________

New School Address________________________________________________

New School Position________________________________________________


Check the September Issue of The TORCH for Information on the

 Key To Fun program

IT’S THE VOTE! Are you registered to vote on November 2? If you’ve moved or of you haven’t voted in two consecutive elections, you have to re-register. It’s a simple from, available at the Post Office or from the KTF. You can make a difference only if you’re registered and then exercise the right. In the spring school budget vote, over 2/3 of the eligible KTF members who live in the Kingston district DID NOT vote in the first election and the budget failed! The KTF identified and called members who did not show up on election records for the day (over 800.) The second vote passed. Please register by Oct.1 and then VOTE!

       AFT/NYSUT endorses the KERRY/EDWARDS slate in the presidential vote on Nov. 2.