Opening Day PINK SHEET 2006

                                 A KTF reference for the year

Official publication representing members of the Kingston Teachers’

  Federation, Retired Teachers, ESP Personnel, and Substitute Teachers. 

First Day Issue               NYSUT Local 781                   September 2006

 KINGSTON TEACHERS’ FEDERATION /NYSUT/AFT                             

 KINGSTON TRUST FUND                              #781

307 Wall Street, Suite 6, P.O. Box 4461, Kingston, NY 12402

Phone# (845) 338-5422, Facsimile#  (845) 338-0391


     WebSite:, select- “Locals on Line”

                                                Select-:Kingston Teachers’ Federation


 ‘Where The Common Good Is The Bottom Line’


Pantry Drive, Blood Drive, Election Day Vote,

Vote/Cope, Kids’ Classic, Relay for Life, Budget Vote,

Board of Ed. Elections, and UNITY!


             Kingston Teachers’ Federation Board of Directors               


President:                                 Hugh M. Spoljaric                    KHS

1st Vice Pres (Secondary Ed):     Lauri Naccarato                       KHS

2nd Vice Pres (Elementary):         Kathy Werner                          ZENA

Grievance:                                 Suzanne Jordan                      JWB

Secretary:                                 Nancy Chando                         JFK

Treasurer:                                  Eric Koch                                 KHS

Membership:                             Beth Prockup                           MCM

Professional Practices:               Pat Neher                                MCM

Sick Day Bank:                         Glenn Gallagher                      GWS

Communications:                       Dianne Fried                            EDS

                                  CHAPTER PRESIDENTS

KESP (Tchr.Asst., Sec., Mon.)   Joan White                              Retired

KSTF (Subs):                            Mae Stark                                Retired

KRTF (Retired Teachers):           Don Sweeney                          Retired                        



                          KTF Building Representatives

                             Teacher Rep.                                ESP Rep.

Cioni Building:         TBD                                           Barbara McCumber

Anna Devine:     Vicki Sellers                                  Doris Brink

Chambers:        Charlotte Adamis                           Lauri Rosen

Crosby:             Paul Nichols                                        TBD

Edson:               Claire VanValkenburgh                Kim Williams        

Finn:                 Karen Clegg                                     Laura Finnegan

Graves:             Jeanne Stoico                               Kathy Reilly                                  

JFKennedy:       MaryEllen Fuoco                             Jeri Dernison

Meagher:           Corey Allen                                      Hope Stoutenburg

Myer:                Dale Spencer                                    Sue Horvers

G.W.:                Diane Backus                                  Yvonne Perry

Zena:                Bonnie VanKleeck                           Regina Castle

JWB:                Cheryl Drews, Daniele Yannucci    David Hannum

MCM:               Bruce Cobb, Amy Tuscanes           Priscilla Lowe

KHS:                Nick Avossa, Jean McGarry ,         Gloria Davis

                         MJ Reiss, Larry Terwilliger              Kathy Fleck

Warehouse                                                                   Patti Howard

                                  At-Large Representatives

 Ann Bauch, Myer;  Diane Nowicki, Chambers; Naomi Stevens, KHS; 

                       Vince Voerg, KHS; Debi Wilcox, Myer

                       KTF Ad Hoc Committees

Educational Action Committee:   Debi Wilcox                            MYER

ED13:                           Laurie Naccarato, Kathy Werner          KHS-ZENA

Health & Safety:                        Nick Avossa                             KHS

Mentoring:                                 Pat Neher                                MCM

Teacher Center:             Jason Prizzi                             KHS

New Teacher Facilitator: Ann Bauch                               MYER              

                                    KTF CALENDAR

Board of Directors Meetings: 1st Monday of every month

                     (except September 11,  January 8, and April 16)

General KTF Membership Meeting: October 19, 2006

Kingston Trust Fund Meetings:  September 26, November 28

                                                             January 16, and May 22


     All members are asked to update the KTF Membership Chair

of name and address changes. Obtain a form from your building rep.

Forward the form to Beth Prockup at MCM.


     In addition to the Opening Day PINK SHEET, the award winning

KTF newsletter,THE TORCH, is published each month. All inquiries

and information should be forwarded by the 6th of each month to the

Editor, Dianne Fried, at the Edson. School. Members may use U.S. Mail,

the PONY, or E-Mail Dianne at:

***For more efficient communication between the KTF and our members,

the KTF is compiling an internal directory of member’s e-mail addresses.

If you wish to be on the KTF messaging list, please provide your e-mail

address to your KTF Rep.


            Kingston Trust Fund Board of Trustees

Chairman: Hugh M. Spoljaric                Trustee:Bob Cunningham

Treasurer: Laura Sexton                        Trustee: Gail Diamond

Secretary: Bill Tubby                            Trustee: Glenn Gallagher

Trustee: Linda Armston                         Office Manager: Miriam White


                   DENTAL and HEALTH INSURANCE

TEACHERS/ESP: If you are a new hire OR returning to the district after

being a permanent substitute OR returning from a leave of absence you

must contact the Trust Office and complete new enrollment forms before

September 30th.                         


       Full-time Student Coverage (Medical, Rx and Dental)

Documentation is required for both semesters. 

Fall semester documentation is now due. 



DEPENDANT CHANGES, ETC.  Contact Miriam at the Trust Office.               


      Now Available in your school’s Main Office

Each school’s main office was sent a packet that included:   

a NHA Participating Provider List, local physicians only

             a Mail Order Prescription forms       

             a NHA Medical Claim forms (use these for eye exam, eyeglass

                  and health club membership charges)

            a NHA Dental Claim Forms

            a NHA Dependent Student Questionnaire Forms 

                          (use same form for medical & dental)

        Additional Trust Insurance Information 

Including the plan booklet, Physician and Participating Provider lists,

and medical forms are available at:

              KTF Web Site. Select: National Health Administrators, Inc.

                      or go directly to:  

*NEW FEATURE: Trust insurance members can now contact

  NHAI at 1-888-679-2400 and Press ‘9’. Put in the KTF Plan Number,

153’, and a quick reference of the Schedule of Benefits will be presented.


               ALWAYS, KNOW YOUR PLAN BOOK and

                 YOUR SCHEDULE of BENEFITS

     Need assistance from the Trust regarding your specific medical

information? Request and sign a Privacy release form from Miriam before

providing any specific information. 


KTF Contractual Concerns & Resolution Procedures

The process for resolution of contractual concerns is as follows:

1. Identify the contractual concern

2. Try to solve the concern with those immediately involved

3. Consult the building representative with the contractual concern

4. The building representative will try to settle the issue within the building

5. The building representative will consult with the appropriate KTF V.P.

                                   In every case, ALWAYS keep a paper trail.


Always contact and consult with your KTF representative before writing

up and submitting any incident report or proposal to an administrator!

Always prepare any report while emotionally calm.


     Teacher and Teaching Assistant certification is an individual 

Responsibility. Certification is a State Education law mandate.

Regardless of your local performance, the state requires every

professional to meet the certification requirements or face dismissal.

Members are urged to be vigilant regarding certification.

                                    SAFETY FIRST

     Throughout the school year, there may be times when you are

staying in your school after hours or coming in early.  Remember to

let others know that you are in the building and keep your door locked

when you are working alone in your classroom. 

     Alternately, when you are alone with a student in your classroom, 

always keep your door open.

     Please avoid an inappropriate contact with students. This includes

providing students with your personal email address or phone number.

There is a line that must be drawn between the professional

responsibilities of an educator and the personal connection or contact

that is made with students.                                    

      If there are student issues that you feel are too sensitive to address,

contact your Building Principal.


                            COMPUTERS / CELL PHONES

     Every Kingston Schools employee signs off on the district policy

regarding the use of school computers.  School computer use is

recorded and preserved. School computers are for school business use.

     Members should never use a cell phone for personal communication

within eyesight or earshot of students. Any personal communication

should be discrete and reflect your professional responsibilities.